
hyp·o·crite (hĭp'ə-krĭt')

On Monday, I was talking to my boss (no one other than a few coworkers were around) and in the context of a discussion regarding my frustration with people contacting me for information that I really shouldn't be giving them (i.e. questions about contracts that I don't have access to, but know the general idea.) In any case, in the context of this discussion I said "I don't give a fuck what he does." Now, let me put in this disclaimer that, while I do work for a religious organization, most of the people in this department are not even observant of any religion, much less zealots. People are cursing and bitching and moaning around here on a daily basis. It certainly wasn't the first f bomb dropped around here. Hell, it wasn't the first one of the day!

So, my boss out of nowhere says "Please, watch your language." What I enjoy most about this is that he curses more than anyone else in the office. So, now, three days after his little scolding he walks into my office while I am on the phone and demands to know who I am on the phone with. I tell him that it's someone from another organization that he asked me to contact and relay information to. He then proceeds to say (while the person is on the phone, and my hand is not covering the mouthpiece) "Shit! I can't catch a fucking break today!!" Wah, have another childish meltdown.

It took every ounce of restraint for me to ask him to please not curse. I mean, if we aren't supposed to do it in front of coworkers, is it really appropriate to do it in front of people from other organizations? Especially people that you really don't know, and who might actually be offended?

As far as the meltdown goes, I don't even know what that was all about. The thing he was going to ask me to do was no big deal, and he just asked someone else to do it. It took her two minutes and was not even a huge priority. He needs to start taking Midol, I swear.

This is the bullshit that I deal with every day.

Interestingly enough, when I went to dictionary.com to get my little title thing, three Google ads came up, all for religious websites (christianbibleinfo.com, howjesussaves.com, hallvworthington.com.) Google ads make me laugh sometimes.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Wow. Jesus loves you. ;)