
Great Mom!

I read this story and just about laughed my ass off.

I would imagine that this kid has pretty much learned his lesson. If I were going to have kids, this is the kind of mom I'd be!

My Favorite Nerd

In my high school econ class I gave a presentation on Bill Gates and Microsoft complete with a glitterized poster honoring my favorite (and most successful) nerd. As we all know he's stepping down from his day-to-day position at Microsoft and in honor of that, presented this video during his keynote speech at CES.

I love a man with a sense of humor!


It Would Be Asking for Trouble

Indian apparent superfirm Tata has unveiled the world's cheapest car, called the Tata Nano.

Even if it were the world's most bitchin'est car, I couldn't get one. As a woman with minimal female "assets" I feel I'd just be a punchline on wheels in this thing.


What a Day!

Today, the greatest thing happened.

I went to Dunkin Donuts this evening (no, it doesn't end there!!) to get a half dozen because M has been sick and they have a new M&M's donut. So, I order and the girl rings me up and then asks me if I want six more for free, so I look at her like "What's the catch?" She tells me that if she doesn't give them away, then she just has to throw them out at the end of the day! So, since DD is my most favoritest place ever I gave a resounding "Hell, yeah!" Then she says "If you ever want free donuts, just come in at the end of the day. I always give them away."

I felt like the goddamn mayor!!!


Global Warming My Ass that Just Froze Off

It's negative four degrees here. I am in day eight of what I have determined is some strain of the Black Death. When I went outside this morning I greeted my next door neighbor by hocking a wad of electric green phlegm into a snowbank.

WHERE THE HELL IS THIS WONDROUS PROMISE OF GLOBAL WARMING?!?! Mama needs some heat! Hell, I'd settle for my boogers not freezing the instant I walk outside.

As I laid in bed, awake at 4 am, sweating and blowing my nose for the 1056th time, I calculated that my tuberculosis has caused me to use 6 boxes of tissues since last Thursday. After work today, make that 7. My poor little (okay, I'm Italian, not that little) nose is bright red, raw and in excruciating pain.

I love winter as much as the next Northern gal, but for christsake, I need a freaking break here.


One Word: Cold

When you get down to 4 degrees, is it really necessary to bring the wind chill into it?
It is balls cold today.