
Road Rage

This fucker cut me off on my way home...

... and then moved into the left lane, at which time traffic in that lane promptly came to a stop and I buzzed past him/her. Haha.

I hope (s)he gets a hot dog stuck up his/her tailpipe this weekend (interpret as you will.)


More Pathetic Catholic Denial

Vatican diplomat Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone made the following statements while in Nashville:
  • That the Church responded to US clergy baby raping with "dignity and courage"
  • That the "business" created around said baby raping was "unbearable"
  • That he couldn't "understand how a person in public office or one engaged in political activity can be obliged to renounce his Catholic identity..."

My head almost exploded when I read this in the paper this morning. First, how is ignoring something that went on for decades and then only addressing it (poorly) when the mainstream media got a hold of it, dignified or courageous?!? Way back in 1999 before the shit hit the fan, I made a comment at my rehearsal dinner that our priest was acting like an ass at the rehearsal due to his dismay at our lack of a ring bearer to molest. My brainwashed mother-in-law was shocked and appalled that I could make such a statement about a man of the cloth! Fast forward a few years, and it doesn't seem so bold anymore.

Look, I went to church, I took the CCD classes. I took First Communion and renounced it all before Confirmation (all I wanted to confirm is that I need to get the hell outta there.) I'm not speaking as an outsider. Everyone in that sick and twisted organization knew exactly what was going on. Mothers just sat by, hands wringing, praying to "God" that it wasn't her baby being raped. No one- no fathers, no mothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents- stepped in and actually stopped any of this bullshit. These sick fuckers really believed that sacrificing their children to these pedophiles was going to be their ticket into heaven. Does that sound like fucking dignity?!?

Now, the business to which this head baby raper refers to is the fact that victims are suing the churches. Yes, these young entrepreneurs who had to endure years and years of suffering (read: hemorrhoids, nightmares, shame and terror) decided that this would be a terrific business plan. The Vatican is the richest entity in the world. They used this money to cover up what was going on and to move baby raping priest around the country on a baby raping tour. Now they're pissed that they have to pay for funding this?

Is your head exploding yet?

Finally, I will just say that after all of this, they can't understand why a public official might be gun shy to walk around going "I support baby rape!" It's really not that confusing when you look at it like an educated adult.

Oh, wait... never mind.



Our friend committed suicide three years ago, and it's something that we will probably never get over. He was a wonderful, funny, intelligent person that always made you feel like you were something special, just by being your friend. Apparently the wonderful person that we all saw was hiding some horrible demons. And I don't talk nice about people just because they are dead. Some people that I know of who are gone were assholes.

Every once in a while I google him. I don't know why. I guess in this age of technology it's the most logical way to try to connect with someone that's just out of reach. Each time I google him, I notice there are fewer and fewer results and it makes me sad as hell. I just did it tonight, and I came up with: a link that I assume has to do with his father; two college newspaper stories- one that he wrote and the other his obit; the MySpace page of someone else that misses him; the results of a 5K race that he ran.

So, hopefully this will pop up in a search engine, and someone else who's thinking of Phil DiPisa will see that I am too!


Farewell, Scooter!

Yankee great Phil Rizzuto passed away today.

For those of you that aren't baseball fans, but are pop culture fans, you might recognize him from his play-by-play of double entendres in Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light (Here he comes, squeeze play/ It's gonna be close/ Here's the throw, here's the play at the plate/ Holy cow, I think he's gonna make it...)

In an age of classless, personality deficient athletes (and celebrities for that matter) Rizzuto was a blast to listen to and watch. Listening to him call games from the booth would undoubtedly result in laughter and eye rolling.

But, hey, we still have Mike Vick...



So, we're on vacation this week. Not a traveling vacation. The stay home and enjoy the place with the mortgage kind of vacation.

On our travels about town this morning we saw the following:

I don't know if it translates as well in this high quality cell phone photo, but it's a tiny camper being towed by a tinier Hyundai, so it basically looks like a tiny camper driving itself. It was rather amusing to be driving behind.
And while we were out, I discovered another reason to be happy to be child-free. Three words: Kate Spade sunglasses. I never in a million years would have thought I would spend more than $25 on a pair on sunglasses, but we were in this store and one thing lead to another and now I have sunglasses made by someone I have heard of! I'm still having some guilt over spending more than $25 on a pair of sunglasses, but I think I'll be able to get over that. Just in case, I haven't removed the tag yet. Yes, I am walking around with a tag on my sunglasses. But, I have long, thick hair, so I can hide it effectively.
A week from now I will have completed my first day at my new job. I'm still not overly excited, but I'm not filled with dread, so I guess that's a good thing.


Child Free Person Ranting Here

Okay, I know I'm not a parent and I don't understand how hard it is to keep a two foot tall, 50 pound person under any sort of control, but I'm really starting to get concerned about all of the shitty parenting going on in the world.

Two specific things that are getting under my skin lately- Madeleine McCann, the little girl that disappeared from her bedroom at a resort in Portugal while her parents were eating dinner at a restaurant that was shockingly not located within the confines of their hotel suite. I get that sometimes you need to get away from your kids for a little while because they are huge pains in the ass, but I'm thinking that safety would dictate the use of a babysitter rather than just taking off. I mean, if you leave your kids in a hotel room alone at night, you really have to expect that something bad is probably going to happen. Somewhere between a clogged toilet and kidnapping/murder.

Second thing- all of these insanely self absorbed people that can't seem to remember to take their children- their own flesh and blood- out of the car and instead effectively roast them to death in back seats. Seriously, how hard is it to remember that you have a kid and that said kid is in the car? I'm conscious 24 hours of the day that I 1- have a dog and 2- don't have any yard apes. My dad let me tumble off the changing table when I was a pup, but he always remembered to take me out of the freaking car!

I think, in this world of self obsession that there are a lot of people that feel it's their duty to create new people from (what they believe is) their superior DNA. Then, to their surprise they find out that kids require gasp attention!?!?! Around the clock?!? You mean I can't sit them in the kitchen behind gates with a bowl of water while I go out with my friends?!

I'm pretty sure a kid created by me and my husband would be a decent member of society. Of course, the mixture of our DNA certainly carries the risk of creating a serial killer, but it could also make a brain surgeon. It could go either way. But, in any event, I don't want to be a mom. I want to do what I want, when I want with who I want. I don't want to go to t-ball games in high waisted pants and a bad haircut to cheer for "Dylan", "Avery" and "Brittney". I don't want to understand how bowel movement consistency changes with age. I don't' want someone walking into my bedroom at 3 am and stating the following: "Mommy, I don't feel well... bbbaaaarrrrffffffff!!!!!"

Selfish? Hell, no! What's selfish is feeling this way and having kids anyways because you owe it to society or your mother-in-law or the Church. Fuck them!!!

Okay, I'm stepping off my soapbox now and taking a nap (because I can.)


Pining for Autumn

It's an amazing 59 degrees here right now. I have all of the windows open and am in my glory. This is the greatest August day ever!!!

In other news, I am officially unemployed for one week until I start my new job. I'm not really excited or nervous or anything. I don't know if it's because we're off for a week and I'm just focusing on that, or if it's because I've changed jobs so many times that it's old hat.

The breeze that is blowing through my living room right now is heaven...


It Seems Like Only Yesterday...

... that I resigned, but three weeks have come and gone and tomorrow is my last day!!

Since one of the women that I work with is on vacation tomorrow, we had my goodbye party today. I wanted to get subs from this local place, so we ordered from there, and everyone pitched in and paid for mine! Then we had cake, plus there was Dunkin' coffee and donuts (my favs!) in the morning.

I really do love the people that I work with and I'm going to miss them so much. We had a lot of fun, but they are all looking to leave too, and I wouldn't want to be last man standing. I had my exit interview today and I basically told them that the only reason that I am leaving is because I have nothing to do. I think it's pretty sad that this is the case, but this is apparently what my boss wants.

Of course, there was no "official" announcement, and being the ethically-driven asshole that I am, I haven't said goodbye to anyone outside my department. I feel bad about it, but in the end, they just look like jerks for not making an announcement. Since most of the people in our company know that our department is a disaster, I'm sure people will understand.

In any case, I have to decide what I am going to wear for my last day. Oh! I get to start over with a whole new clothing cycle. It will be nice to not have to stress about when the last time I paired certain tops with pants for a few weeks. Yay for people that have never been exposed to my wardrobe!

I'm so grateful that it's finally over. Keep your fingers crossed for me.