
A New Addition to the Family

So I broke down and bought the new TV. Watching little tiny me try to get it out of the shopping cart (keep in mind those wheels) and into my car must have been pretty entertaining.

The more exciting show will be tonight as we hoist it up onto our TV mount and very technically attach (read: duct tape) it to the mount. No, it's not one of those fancy, shmancy flat panel mounts. It's the kind your gym had back in 2000.

I'm actually more confident in this TV staying on it than our late TV just due to the fact that it is lighter and has a smaller base. I still plan to secure it with straps, duct tape and bungee cords, if necessary.

Remember when you were a kid and the only thing you had to worry about was whether there was any Capri Sun left in the fridge?


Sad News

Our bedroom TV has gone to the entertainment center in the sky.

I was enjoying some sort of non-educational, zero-redeeming-value E! or MTV programming when all of a sudden *poof* and a smell that would curl your nose hairs. Let me tell you- electronic equipment decomp is nasty.

We're pricing out some LCD flat panels, but we don't have HD in our bedroom (or in the rest of the house for that matter), so that is completely irrelevant.

Tonight should be fun. The husband can't sleep without the TV on, so he'll be a pleasure and a half at bedtime. I'm pretty sure that I will be forced to hit Wal Mart and just freaking buy the TV that we were looking at this afternoon. I hate to just buy something that expensive, but I also hate when the man is a giant whining pain in my ass.

So, as you watch your TV tonight, take a moment to appreciate it because tomorrow... well, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

RIP TV January 30, 1999 - July 29, 2007


Two Weeks To Go

First, I'd like to thank this person for fucking up my morning:

I just wanted to get to the dealership to get my car inspected so I could get on with my life. But, no, you have to go ahead and shut two freaking lanes of the Northway down. Thanks!!

I only have two weeks left at my current job and they are going to make it as miserable as possible. That's fine with me. The more they fuck with me, the happier I am with my decision. This past week they tried to tell me that my position required 4 weeks of notice. FOUR WEEKS. I haven't had shit to do for two years, and now you're going to ask me to hang around for another four weeks?!? I politely said no, and then we got special permission from HR for a mere three weeks (which is still completely ridiculous). Just in case HR said no I packed all of my personal affects. I only gave three weeks to get my banked time off paid out. If I wasn't getting that, I was leaving.

My boss comes back from vacation on Monday, so that should be fun. He always thinks that everyone is out to get him (like if he messes up a file, he'll walk around telling everyone that this guy from one of our other corps probably went into the file and messed it up on purpose) so I'm sure this separation won't be pleasant. For the next two years, any time something goes wrong he'll tell everyone that I probably did that before I left. Yeah, I have nothing better to do than screw with your shit before I leave. This place is nuts.


Take This Job and...

So, after months of interviewing I finally got a new job! I quit my current pain in the ass job yesterday, and a giant weight has been lifted from my extremely sore shoulders!

My boss is on vacation, so I had to hand my resignation in to his boss. She didn't really seem to care, and I'm pretty sure that when my boss gets back he won't be shedding any tears either!

So, obviously, I'm thrilled to finally be free and I'm certainly looking forward to having some work to do. We had a meeting today, and boss' boss alluded to something that they've been working on, and made a comment that leads me to assume that she believes I'm involved in said project. It really depressed the crap out of me to realize that 1- I had absolutely no involvement in this project and 2- last year I was completely involved in this. It just made me so sad, because I really think I could have had a decent career with this place.

I think I'm suffering from some "survivor's guilt" in that a lot of my coworkers are looking for new positions, and now I feel bad that I'm busting out of there and they are still waiting. I know they are all happy for me, but at the same time I know they are all frustrated with their own situations.

In any event, I'm really excited for this new job, so we'll see how long it takes for this one to go down the shitter!! Ha ha.


The Power of Celine

"Where Does My Heart Beat Now" by Celine Dion is playing on the Traffic Now channel on my TV. It makes the local commute seem far more dramatic than it is.

That is all.


Sisterhood My Ass

I'm going to come right out and say this- I really don't like women. I hate working for them, I hate working with them and I pretty much would rather not associate with most of them socially.

Regardless of what you hear, there is no "sisterhood" among women. It's more like a super bitchy sorority where everyone is competing for attention, and rather than actually do something to deserve it, they just cut down everyone else to make themselves look better.

One cold, hard fact that most, if not all, married women have learned is that nothing turns your friends against you like your wedding. I don't think I know a single woman (myself included) that didn't lose at least one or two friends at some point between "Guess what? We're engaged!" and "I do."

I was the first of my friends to get married, so I've never experienced the friend-getting-married situation from the single girl's point of view, but I can't imagine that I could be angry to learn that my friend had found happiness. But, when I got engaged, sure as shit my "friends" started dropping like flies. The good thing is that when it was all said and done I had a core of friends left that I am still close to today. Fuck the rest of them!

I had a really good friend named Stacey that I was friends with for a few years in college. We would have so much fun together. We hung out together all of the time and just seemed to have a really unique connection. She never outright gave me shit about getting married, but she RSVP'd yes to both my bachelorette party and my wedding and showed up for neither. Sometimes the passive aggressive "fuck you" is worse than the verbal one. After that, I just stopped talking to her. While I knew in my heart that she wasn't going to be at my wedding, it still sucked walking down the aisle and not seeing her.

Is it the possibility of losing out to the new husband? Perhaps. I know I'm always disappointed to learn when someone with whom I have a social relationship is going to have a baby. Then people really drop off the face of the planet. But, at the same time, that's my issue. I can't expect my friends to not have children because I want them to be free for dinner. I realize that, and I don't begrudge them their happiness. Hell, it isn't my idea of happiness, but to each his(her) own!

Sadly, I think we've become such a self centered society that most people literally want to know "What's in it for me?" You know what? Sometimes nothing is in it for you, except the joy of watching someone that you love be happy. Christ, what a novel concept.



This post is exactly why I recommend The Superficial.


File This Under "WTF?"

This is not so shocking to me once I see "Alabama".

If I Drop Dead Tonight

$5475.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

I can't decide if this is romantic or not, but my loving spouse's response to this was "You're worth more cooking dinner."

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Per PBF's request!


Enjoying a new toy and wrapping paper.

Basically, looking pitiful.

I would have had these up sooner, but the new computer transfer took a little longer than expected (mostly due to my laziness).



I love any holiday that doesn't require me to go to work (which at my company consists of: New Year's, Memorial, 7/4, Labor, Thanksgiving, Xmas Eve and Xmas so long as they don't fall on a weekend and if they do, then I'm shit out of luck)!!

The manager that refuses to delegate any work to the rest of the team was bitching all day about having to work tomorrow. Needless to say I had little to no sympathy. He's made the choice to hoard the work, so this is what he gets. I actually think he gets off on showing what a martyr he is.

I was thinking today, though, that he and his boss are both swamped, while the rest of us on his team are putting in our required time and leaving. Can't his boss see that if we're leaving early, then we aren't getting any work, and if he would give us some of his work, he could take some of hers? I mean, am I just making outrageous statements here?

I got an email today in response to one of my online resumes for a position in Wichita. It says that a "virtual office" is possible, but I'm pretty sure I'd just be selling vibrators and cock rings over the phone or something. I'm not really interested in phone sales.

It's days like this that I wish I wanted a baby. Then I could just squat one out and be a stay at home mom. I really have no qualms about exiting the workforce for a while, but I think it would be difficult to get a job again when/if I wanted/needed to go back. I mean, I can't find crap now and I'm out there!

PS- I'm still pissed about that shitty excuse for a thank you note.