
Laugh for the Day

This is my favorite thing ever from the Onion.



How Can You Be Surprised...

...when cops fuck up? I mean, when you put law enforcement in the hand of the douche bag guys with chips on their shoulders in high school why do you expect quality?


Those nice cops that really care about protecting and servicing are basically only on TV, with a rare few actually being real. The rest just want to get back at the all the kids that flushed their heads in the locker room toilet 15 years ago.

I've never met a cop that didn't make it glaringly clear that his (or her) nightstick is just compensation for his (or her) tiny penis.


No, You're Not

I saw this on a minivan. Clearly, this person is delusional.

Proud to be a Yankee

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I'm super sophisticated, but when I read an article like this I feel like Princess Grace.


I guess living in New York (or the Northern half of the country for that matter), I tend to forget that there are still people in the US that still have a 19th century mentality about things. Hell, the fact that there are people that still used the term "colored people" is amazing to me.

I really do feel bad for all the kids in that school. The black kids are going through life being treated like second class citizens in their own hometown. It really disgusts me. Meanwhile, these white kids are going to go out into the real world and be shocked every time they see a black businessman or a black politician. I would imagine that, unless they plan on spending life in that shitty little town, these white kids aren't going to function well out here with the rest of us.

I get the feeling these people think this is news because they are participating in integration, but it's really that we just in awe of their ignorance.



Well, I have my router and I'm back online! I still haven't networked my computers together. Baby steps.

Work sucked ass today. There are days when I can tolerate my job, and there are days when I can't understand what I could have done in a past life to deserve this. Today was the latter. My boss' boss was being a fucking bitch from hell, and took it out on the rest of the department.

She has this suit that she wears all the time. She wore it two Thursdays ago, then again last Tuesday and then again today. Now, the woman easily must make at least 2-3 times more than me, and somehow I can manage to work a good 13 outfits into my rotation.

I desperately need a new job. This place is such a roller coaster, and it's making me crazy and exhausted.


Now I Know How the Pilgrims Felt

Our wireless router shit the bed, so I haven't been able to get on from home. We're at my parents' house now, and I feel reconnected to the outside world. I would imagine this was what it was like at Plymouth Rock.

We went to see the in-laws today and no one harangued us about not having children. Woo hoo! They are all Catholic and have a hard time understanding why we don't want the pitter patter (and vomit splatter) of little feet around the house. On the one hand, it annoys me because I really don't think it's any of their business. On the other hand, everyone in the family has lots of children, so I think that they just can't understand the concept of not having any. It's not just them, a lot of people can't understand it.

I could not imagine having a child. I had little interest in kid things (soccer practice, other kids, school plays) when I was a kid, I definitely wouldn't want to relive that as an adult. I'm also really bad at feigning interest in things that aren't interesting. Whenever I hear a mom or dad exclaim "Wow! Look how you jumped off that sidewalk!!!!" I know I don't have it in me. I would be like "Yeah, so? Everyone else in the parking lot just stepped off of it. Do you want a fucking medal?" Mother material I am not.

Plus, if I ever saw my husband walking around with our kid in a papoose strapped over his chest I would probably have to leave him. Men that wear their kids in a papoose do not look manly.


Here We Go...

So, here's another blog that no one will read. Like most, I'm pretty much doing this to vent and avoid boring my family and friends with my inane thoughts.

A little background- I work for a Catholic organization, but as someone who was raised Catholic-ish, I think the whole thing is a load of crap. Let me make this clear- I DO NOT WORK FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. I work for a Catholic organization- two different things, same bullshit ideals.

As an educated female, I cannot see how it is possible to be a part of a religion that, quite literally, hates women. Additionally, as an education person I cannot see how it is possible to be a part of a religion that hates Jews, homosexuals, divorced people, unbaptized children, etc. yet fully accepts the concept of raping kids.

Regardless, I am a money whore, and so I take my paycheck every week and check the want ads daily.