
What a Day!

Today, the greatest thing happened.

I went to Dunkin Donuts this evening (no, it doesn't end there!!) to get a half dozen because M has been sick and they have a new M&M's donut. So, I order and the girl rings me up and then asks me if I want six more for free, so I look at her like "What's the catch?" She tells me that if she doesn't give them away, then she just has to throw them out at the end of the day! So, since DD is my most favoritest place ever I gave a resounding "Hell, yeah!" Then she says "If you ever want free donuts, just come in at the end of the day. I always give them away."

I felt like the goddamn mayor!!!


Maggie said...

No way!!! M&M donuts eh???? ;)

j said...

They're frosted doughnuts with M&Ms on top. According to M they are fantastic. I don't like chocolate, so I didn't try one.