

Really? Do women need another thing to feel bad about?

I mean, aside from our thighs, breasts, abdomens, wrinkles, cellulite, gray hair, arm hair, leg hair, pubic hair, facial hair, shape of our noses, shape of our chins, shape of our cheeks and shape of our asses we now need to worry about what our freaking labia look like?!?

I can't wait to see what's next...


Maggie said...

Sadly, I know somebody who had this done. Ew.

Anonymous said...

That is something to be left well enough alone! YIKES! Man I wouldn't let anyone go near that area with a knife. And honestly, women all look differently down there, but I've never heard of a guy saying "Oh you know, that just doesn't suit me". I'm sure they are out there, but I dunno.

ALTHOUGH, I did read (probably in Cosmo) about some woman who had it done because apparently her labia were so much larger that during sex they would get caught in the action, so to speak. Ow. Otherwise though, yea yikes.