
Now I Know How the Pilgrims Felt

Our wireless router shit the bed, so I haven't been able to get on from home. We're at my parents' house now, and I feel reconnected to the outside world. I would imagine this was what it was like at Plymouth Rock.

We went to see the in-laws today and no one harangued us about not having children. Woo hoo! They are all Catholic and have a hard time understanding why we don't want the pitter patter (and vomit splatter) of little feet around the house. On the one hand, it annoys me because I really don't think it's any of their business. On the other hand, everyone in the family has lots of children, so I think that they just can't understand the concept of not having any. It's not just them, a lot of people can't understand it.

I could not imagine having a child. I had little interest in kid things (soccer practice, other kids, school plays) when I was a kid, I definitely wouldn't want to relive that as an adult. I'm also really bad at feigning interest in things that aren't interesting. Whenever I hear a mom or dad exclaim "Wow! Look how you jumped off that sidewalk!!!!" I know I don't have it in me. I would be like "Yeah, so? Everyone else in the parking lot just stepped off of it. Do you want a fucking medal?" Mother material I am not.

Plus, if I ever saw my husband walking around with our kid in a papoose strapped over his chest I would probably have to leave him. Men that wear their kids in a papoose do not look manly.


Maggie said...

Have you seen this?? These people are freaks:

j said...

Yes, they are in need of some serious sterilization.

The mom also has OCD and basically spends her days cleaning up after the brats.

My worst nightmare!!