
My Dante's Inferno

I had to go to Babies 'R Us today (I declared outside that I choose "us") and it was horrible. Every woman in there was knocked up and it was a nightmare.

I'm excited to become an aunt in a few months, but I'm going to have to start ordering things on the internet, because I can't keep doing that.

And here's something for you: they have baby wipe warmers. God forbid you clean a baby's shit smeared ass with a room temperature wipe. Oh, the horror!!


Maggie said...

Seriously? My toilet paper isn't warmed...why do babies get warmed butt wipes??? So not fair! ;)

Anonymous said...

Let me start by apologizing for the "comment spam", but I'm trying to contact multiple friends (including you) and I don't have your most recent email address.

As you might have realized, my "old" webserver (www.innospyre.com) died a hard death. The datacenter it was housed in (Sterling, VA) had issues a few months ago. Last Friday, the server died a hard death without any recent or complete backups. I was pissed, since I lost over 300MB of pictures, blogs, and data. Nearly 3 years of hard work is gone!

I've since switched webhosting companies. I now have the premium plan with Bluehost, providing me Linux/Apache/Tomcat/SSH/MySQL/PostgreSQL/SMTP/FTP/HTTP/300GB HD/3Gbps in a 2-year contract. I've already written a cron job to back it up weekly to my SunBlade at home, which I will in-turn backup to DVD.

Here's my new webserver and contact information:
Lathe of Dreams (www.latheofdreams.com)

Again, sorry for "comment spam". I'll add you to my website under "Friends Link" this week. If you could please update your bookmarks and website links to my site, I'd appreciate it.

- Ken