
So F'ing Annoying!

I have a horrible history with hairdressers. I know exactly what I want done with my hair. I am not the girl that walks in and says "Do whatever you want!" I go in and tell them where to cut and which scissors to use. Despite all of this, I rarely if ever get what I ask for. We're talking I ask for a straight two inches off and walk out with short layers. Bad shit.

My hair is extremely thick. I have had hairdressers tell me that they have never seen hair as thick as mine. Sadly, that means most of them have no idea how to cut my hair.

My coworker was a hairdresser in another life, and she has amazing style so I asked her what I should do, and how to communicate it to someone to get what I want. She gave me tons of suggestions and strongly recommended her girl, who basically would do exactly what I want. So, I made the appointment for today at 5:15 and spent a few days with pre-new-hairdresser anxiety. By this morning I was feeling good about my appointment and the fact that by the end of the day I was going to have a decent haircut.

I get out of work at 4:30, but stayed until 5 because the salon is right down the street from my office. I got there at 5:10 and went in early, just in case she was ready. They tell me that she'll be out in a few minutes (I'm early, that's fine.) She comes out about a minute later and tells me she just has to put some color in someones hair, and she'll be ready for me. 5:30 rolls around- nothing. 5:40- nothing. I decide that there is no way in hell I'm waiting 30 minutes for this freaking girl to get her shit together. Obviously, she booked another person in my 5:15 slot and had no interest in performing my haircut (which bills less than a color). So, as soon as my cell phone clicks over to 5:45 I walk to the coat room, get my jacket and leave. The girl at the front desk was in the salon chatting (presumably with my hairdresser and her preferred client) so I wasn't even able to tell them where to cram the 30 minute wait.

I really wanted this girl to spend some time looking at my hair before they washed it and started cutting. I was basically looking to develop a plan for what I was going to do with it (i.e. my bangs look like shit and need a major overhaul). Going in over 30 minutes late would have meant that she would have rushed through my appointment, and I'm sure I would have left looking like complete crap. Then I would have been kicking myself for not walking out of there.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that these salons make a big fucking deal out of showing up on time, cancelling 24 hours in advance and charging you if you don't show up.

You know, if I go to the doctor and she's running late, I can understand that. Perhaps someone came in two hours before me feeling ill, and it ends up that they are having a heart attack and need to be transported to the hospital. Or someone comes in for a physical and finds out that they have high blood pressure and requires some additional time with the doctor. I understand that important medical situations can come up, and it can cause appointments to get screwed up. That's a doctor. What kind of critical hair emergency could there possibly be?!?!

So, here I sit with the same shitty hair that I woke up with this morning. Shit. Back to square one.

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