
Sisterhood My Ass

I'm going to come right out and say this- I really don't like women. I hate working for them, I hate working with them and I pretty much would rather not associate with most of them socially.

Regardless of what you hear, there is no "sisterhood" among women. It's more like a super bitchy sorority where everyone is competing for attention, and rather than actually do something to deserve it, they just cut down everyone else to make themselves look better.

One cold, hard fact that most, if not all, married women have learned is that nothing turns your friends against you like your wedding. I don't think I know a single woman (myself included) that didn't lose at least one or two friends at some point between "Guess what? We're engaged!" and "I do."

I was the first of my friends to get married, so I've never experienced the friend-getting-married situation from the single girl's point of view, but I can't imagine that I could be angry to learn that my friend had found happiness. But, when I got engaged, sure as shit my "friends" started dropping like flies. The good thing is that when it was all said and done I had a core of friends left that I am still close to today. Fuck the rest of them!

I had a really good friend named Stacey that I was friends with for a few years in college. We would have so much fun together. We hung out together all of the time and just seemed to have a really unique connection. She never outright gave me shit about getting married, but she RSVP'd yes to both my bachelorette party and my wedding and showed up for neither. Sometimes the passive aggressive "fuck you" is worse than the verbal one. After that, I just stopped talking to her. While I knew in my heart that she wasn't going to be at my wedding, it still sucked walking down the aisle and not seeing her.

Is it the possibility of losing out to the new husband? Perhaps. I know I'm always disappointed to learn when someone with whom I have a social relationship is going to have a baby. Then people really drop off the face of the planet. But, at the same time, that's my issue. I can't expect my friends to not have children because I want them to be free for dinner. I realize that, and I don't begrudge them their happiness. Hell, it isn't my idea of happiness, but to each his(her) own!

Sadly, I think we've become such a self centered society that most people literally want to know "What's in it for me?" You know what? Sometimes nothing is in it for you, except the joy of watching someone that you love be happy. Christ, what a novel concept.