
Take This Job and...

So, after months of interviewing I finally got a new job! I quit my current pain in the ass job yesterday, and a giant weight has been lifted from my extremely sore shoulders!

My boss is on vacation, so I had to hand my resignation in to his boss. She didn't really seem to care, and I'm pretty sure that when my boss gets back he won't be shedding any tears either!

So, obviously, I'm thrilled to finally be free and I'm certainly looking forward to having some work to do. We had a meeting today, and boss' boss alluded to something that they've been working on, and made a comment that leads me to assume that she believes I'm involved in said project. It really depressed the crap out of me to realize that 1- I had absolutely no involvement in this project and 2- last year I was completely involved in this. It just made me so sad, because I really think I could have had a decent career with this place.

I think I'm suffering from some "survivor's guilt" in that a lot of my coworkers are looking for new positions, and now I feel bad that I'm busting out of there and they are still waiting. I know they are all happy for me, but at the same time I know they are all frustrated with their own situations.

In any event, I'm really excited for this new job, so we'll see how long it takes for this one to go down the shitter!! Ha ha.

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