
More Pathetic Catholic Denial

Vatican diplomat Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone made the following statements while in Nashville:
  • That the Church responded to US clergy baby raping with "dignity and courage"
  • That the "business" created around said baby raping was "unbearable"
  • That he couldn't "understand how a person in public office or one engaged in political activity can be obliged to renounce his Catholic identity..."

My head almost exploded when I read this in the paper this morning. First, how is ignoring something that went on for decades and then only addressing it (poorly) when the mainstream media got a hold of it, dignified or courageous?!? Way back in 1999 before the shit hit the fan, I made a comment at my rehearsal dinner that our priest was acting like an ass at the rehearsal due to his dismay at our lack of a ring bearer to molest. My brainwashed mother-in-law was shocked and appalled that I could make such a statement about a man of the cloth! Fast forward a few years, and it doesn't seem so bold anymore.

Look, I went to church, I took the CCD classes. I took First Communion and renounced it all before Confirmation (all I wanted to confirm is that I need to get the hell outta there.) I'm not speaking as an outsider. Everyone in that sick and twisted organization knew exactly what was going on. Mothers just sat by, hands wringing, praying to "God" that it wasn't her baby being raped. No one- no fathers, no mothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents- stepped in and actually stopped any of this bullshit. These sick fuckers really believed that sacrificing their children to these pedophiles was going to be their ticket into heaven. Does that sound like fucking dignity?!?

Now, the business to which this head baby raper refers to is the fact that victims are suing the churches. Yes, these young entrepreneurs who had to endure years and years of suffering (read: hemorrhoids, nightmares, shame and terror) decided that this would be a terrific business plan. The Vatican is the richest entity in the world. They used this money to cover up what was going on and to move baby raping priest around the country on a baby raping tour. Now they're pissed that they have to pay for funding this?

Is your head exploding yet?

Finally, I will just say that after all of this, they can't understand why a public official might be gun shy to walk around going "I support baby rape!" It's really not that confusing when you look at it like an educated adult.

Oh, wait... never mind.

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