
Remember When...

Sometimes I have these flashbacks. Not in a PTSD way, but I'll hear a song, or just have a feeling and I go right back to a certain place in time.

Tonight M had to go to some Christmas party thing, so I get the evening to myself (well, me and my little Max!) Needless to say, I'm not going to bother cooking for one, and I've been craving a sub all week, so I ran out and got a delicious veggie sub.

As I was walking out of the shop, for whatever reason I totally flashed back to what it was like when I first got my driver's license and my parents would let me take the car out to run a quick errand. The excitement of walking out of the store and back to the car by yourself!! Finally carrying in your hand a set of keys that included car keys, getting in to the car alone to drive through the streets that you so many times travelled as a passenger. Knowing that, as people saw you approaching you car that they would know that you were a state issued card carrying adult!

It's really hard to explain in words, but for one fleeting second I remembered that feeling as I walked back to my car and it was awesome! I love those moments when something gets triggered in the depths of my brain like that.


Maggie said...

Hehehe...remember when you assumed the crash position because you thought I was going to hit that CDTA bus down on Lark Street? Doesn't that bring back warm fuzzy memories?!


j said...

mb- I don't remember that specific incident, but there were a lot of times that I was forced to assume the crash position and hope for a positive outcome. Ah, the good old days...

Buddy- Max did not get a sub, and he's super pissed!