
Okay, Here's the Deal...

1- A dog's body was meant to have litters, not a woman's. There is nothing that spectacular about your DNA that you have to have your own children at the expense of the welfare system. Consider adopting a child that no one wants instead of contaminating the planet with kids that will inherit your shitty decision making skills.

2- The term is "in arrears" not "in the rears".

3- If your arms are as thick as your thighs, DON'T wear tank tops to work. No one wants to see that and you could kill someone if you turn around too quickly.


Maggie said...

#2 cracks my ass up!

Anonymous said...

1- I'm guessing you don't think it's just the coolest thing when a couple has medically-induced sextuplets, then has lavish amounts of media attention poured on to them as they complain of medical expenses and the income required to support 6 children? Without this, we're due to watch "To Catch a Predator, Part 194" instead.

2- I've never heard "in arrears" used correctly in conversation or print. It should only be used on legal documents or in legal proceedings.

3- *shudder* ...I'm at a loss for words. I'm still trying to fathom muffin tops and why someone would leave the house with one?