
Why Not Rump Shaker?

So, my favorite disgrace to women, Hillary Clinton, announced that her campaign song is going to be some Celine Dion piece of shit.

I can't think of anything that could rile up a crowd like Celine freaking Dion. I don't think that going after the lonely, crazy cat-lady vote is going to win this election for her.

Not to mention the fact that Celine Dion isn't even American. Then again, Hillary isn't a New Yorker, so apparently she sees a world without borders.

I'll have to wait and see what Rudy, John and Barrack pick for their campaign songs...

Oh, and by the way, why do we need an announcement about her fucking campaign song?!? Aren't there more pressing issues out there? Apparently not.


Maggie said...

Based on your title, I seriously thought Rump Shaker was her selected song. hahaha! And why does Celine sound southern in that song? And lastly...when she broke into the part about being higher than the clouds or some shit, I thought of that song from our high school graduation...what the hell was that crap?

j said...

I believe this is what you are referring to?


Thankfully, it didn't end up being OUR graduation song. We had that Whitney Houston Olympic anthem crapola.

Maggie said...

Oh riiiiiggghhhttt....Like a Freaking Eagle. A classic.

Maggie said...

Speaking of bad Celine shit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUt9vYQ7kF4