
What's the Point...

My husband watches a lot of college football so sometimes, by association, I end up accidentally watching it. Today, I was contemplating what is the point of cheerleaders?

First, let's examine the etymology of the word (with the help of dictionary.com) "Cheer": a shout of encouragement, approval, congratulation. "Leader": a guiding or directing head. So, what were talking about is an individual to guide the process of shouting encouragement.

Is this really necessary? I've been to a lot of sporting events at all levels and never once have I been sitting in a crowd of silent people looking around, puzzled and muttering "Now what? What are we supposed to do?" Then, like Superman swooping down from the sky, in somersaults taaa daa!!! THE CHEERLEADERS!! Thanks to their hours of intensive training and God given skill The Cheerleaders were able to guide us through a series of rhythmic phrases and changes of tone and volume. As if by miracle, the crowd is now able to cheer and the team, unable to perform in the deafening silence, is cheered to sweet victory! At the end of the game, as the tears flow the team owner goes on national television to tell the world that, had it not been for the grace and courage of The Cheerleaders, none of this would have been possible.

I mean, really, has that happened? I haven't heard about it, and I'm pretty sure that I would have heard.

So, what is the point? Why does any sports team need a group of barely dressed women in ponytails shaking pom poms and making the #1 sign with their fingers? How does this serve any purpose?

That's why I like baseball and hockey. No cheerleaders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And yet baseball and hockey are two sports with fewer viewers and smaller in-game audiences than football or basketball (both with cheerleaders).

Besides, without cheerleaders, how would Heroes have saved the world? "Save the IT Analyst, Save the World" just doesn't have the same ring to it.